
P3: Sarakatsianou, D., & Koloniari, G. (2023). The contribution of semiotics to the ontology capture from texts (in Greek). Syn-Thèses, 14, Article 14.

*This work is part of a project that has received funding from the Research Committee of the University of Macedonia under the Basic Research 2020-21 funding programme.

P2: Sarakatsianou, D., & Koloniari, G. (2022). Developing a Metadata Standard for Orthodox Christian Canon Law Description: OrthoCCL Metadata Standard Version 1.0. Journal of Religious & Theological Information, 21(3–4), 122–134.

*This work is part of a project that has received funding from the Research Committee of the University of Macedonia under the Basic Research 2020-21 funding programme.

P1: Sarakatsianou, D., & Koloniari, G. (2021). e-Pedalion: The transformation of a Christian cultural heritage text into a textual database of Orthodox Canon Law (CHNT – ICOMOS Editorial board, Ed.). Propylaeum.

*This work is part of a project that has received funding from the Research Committee of the University of Macedonia under the Basic Research 2020-21 funding programme.